the learning of a youngling

hunt the hint

Novelty, Creativity, Innovation and Invention

Published by SHAHIRWAN IZHANI BIN OTHMAN 1091102801 under on 8:55 AM

In this third week, i have learned about novelty, creativity, innovation and invention. These keywords has it own different meaning although it sounds the same. Let, me explain the meaning of those words starting with novelty.

Novelty is actually the quality of being new. Meaning, something that is new for all humanity in its development through ages. Followed by creativity, but im gonna make it short, you can see the meaning of it in my previous post. Creativity is the new way of solving problems or doing things. Innovation is actually a process of of making improvements by introducing something new, the realization of a creative idea in social text. The last one is invention. For me, this is the last step or stage. Invention is the creation or the realization of the creative idea. The producing stage where all the ideas are been realized. This process will decide whether the idea can be apply or be used by our society.

These are some images that are related to this topic.

This teapot had been created many-many years ago, but yet the creation is still being used by our generations. But this teapot has some design on it that makes it more interesting and nice. This shows the quality of the teapot being a new teapot based on the design.

This is the figure of the creations of the plane. This are on of the first model and prototype. This is really a creative and genius creations in the world! It can make our life much much easier to travel and much more faster.

This is actually a hanging fan. But the difference is this one has it own light. This is what we call innovative. It improves the creation. Instead of buying another lamp/light, why dont just buy this fan! That is what are the designer is trying to say. It can save you a lot of money.

This is a new invention of a motorcycle. As you can see, it only has one wheel which is the front wheel. This is actually and innovation process because it improves the normal motorcycle and to make it happen, it needs to be invent. So, this is the product.


i felt so lucky that i have learned all this. It really helps me a lot in my study on order to be more creative and innovative. I can apply it my studies. Instead of being creative, i can also be innovative by improving my creations. All this things really helps me in my daily life. I can now differentiate products that creative and innovative. Actually, i do use the creative and innovative products out there. Like the broom, from sweeping, now you can just suck it using the vacuum. How easy is that?

Based on the experiences. I hope i can be one of the top creative and innovative designers out there. I really want to make our life much easier.

Defining of Creativity

Published by SHAHIRWAN IZHANI BIN OTHMAN 1091102801 under on 1:07 AM

What is Creativity?

For me, creativity is an out put of an imagination. Meaning is, an action of turning new imaginative ideas into reality. It involves 2 processes thinking and producing. If you have ideas, but don't act on them, you are imaginative but not yet creative.

"Creativity is the process of bringing something new into being.. creativity requires passion and commitment. Out of the creative act is born symbols and myths. It brings to our awareness what was previously hidden and pints to new life. The experience is one of heightened consciousness-ecstasy." - Rollo May, The Courage to Create

From what i have learned in the last class, creativity is an ability, attitude and process.
Ability - the ability to imagine and invent something new.
Attitude - the ability to accept change and newness, a willingness to play with ideas and possibilities.
Process - continually to improve ideas and solutions by making gradual alterations and refinements.

As you can see here, these three points is related to each other. Although you have the ability to invent something new, but yet, you accept the changes and newness other people made and you also need to continually improve your ideas in order to make it fresh different from others.

You know, i have some pictures to show. Pictures of me and my friends. These pictures have a bit different from other pictures you have seen.

These pictures have been taken by some kind of "technique". Nowadays, photographers usually use it to have some creative pictures. You know, we are not just using our cameras just to take normal, dull, still pictures but we explore more about it to have more creative pictures and these are some examples of the pictures.


Actually, im kinda enjoy writing this blog. XD
Its fun to write about things that i have learned in class. It keeps me updated and thinking about what is creativity.
Actually, creativity is all around us. It depends on how we "see" it. For example, let say that i saw a big cloud. I may see it as something else, a face, an alien maybe. But the normal person maybe see it just as cloud. This incident differentiate us from the normal person.

Introduction of Creative Studies

Published by SHAHIRWAN IZHANI BIN OTHMAN 1091102801 under on 7:04 AM

This is the first topic given during the first week of class and the topic is "Creative Studies". Actually, i missed the class because of my late registration. Although i did not go to the class, but i have something to say about Creative Studies.

Okay, for me, creative studies is a new way, new ideas of education. It consist of some characteristics that differentiate it from the normal studies. It consists the ability to perceive the world, education in new ways, to find hidden patterns, to generate solutions - generating new fresh ideas of solutions.

Creative studies is fostered in organizational cultures that value independent thinking, risk taking, and learning. It opens the communication, a high degree of trust and respect between individuals are crucial. It aims to develop our critical and intellectual abilities as well as allowing us the opportunity to engage and explore many different areas of creative practice.
There many subjects related to creative studies like Professional Writing, Film Studies, Theater and Performance Studies, Journalism, Media, and New Media Studies.Creative studies is the best way of education. What i mean here is that creative studies includes more than just words, equations, facts. It includes pictures, videos, figures. Things like this will encourage us, makes our lessons more fun than usual.

This is an example of creative mind map in creative studies.

Creative studies is not always about reading, solving equations, remembering facts but, it include designing, art, creating and many more!

These are some examples of creative works. So, as you can see all the pictures. Creative studies is not just education, its about FUN!

There are so many universities that applied creative studies in their subjects. These are some links that will show you some off the universities.

and our university itself


Creative studies help us to manage our studies in much more better way. It helps us in the way of our thinking. Art and design processes help us develop fresh thinking through imagination, intuition, and exploring.

I think this is all i can say about creative studies for now.

And i expect to be more creative than before! To be creative in all way - studies, work, life.
I hope i can apply this creative studies way in my study. To have a better understanding in certain things. To make my study become easier and faster.